Covid-19 signage for cross-campus buildings at the California State University, Sacramento. This was a huge collaborative effort that involved research, in-depth discussion, incredibly detailed organization, and implementation across multiple campus departments including the Risk Management, Housing, The WELL, and the Administration & Business Affairs departments. I was the lead designer and main producer of the Covid-19 signs. Other campus graphic designers were involved in the look and feel as a collaborative effort due to the incredibly short turn-around time for this campaign.

All the signage uses one of the brightest approved campus colors to catch the eye without competing with the bright red of emergency signage that also adorn the walls of buildings throughout campus. It is typography-heavy with minimal illustrations to command a quick and easy understanding of what is necessary to keep students, staff, and faculty at a safe distance from one another while passing through the halls of lecture buildings, dining commons, library, etc.

I created a visual legend to maintain organization. This legend not only helped make the signs easier to count and print. but also corresponded to installation areas in the blueprints as seen below.

Blueprints with signage markers were made for every building on the campus. Of which many are multi-storied. Creating all the blueprints was a huge organizational task. First, staff from the Risk Management department would walk through all the buildings, marking where they deemed a sign necessary. They then provided me with the marked-up blueprints. I organized all of their marks, correspond them with the correct sign, and recreated the blueprint in Adobe Illustrator to pass off to the employees who were in charge of the installation.